Une semaine au Sénégal.

I’d wanted to visit Senegal since I first heard Youssou N’Dour’s voice emanating from my speakers at the end of “In Your Eyes.”

There was something about that sound that made me want to visit the land from whence it came.

In 2023, I had my chance. I flew to Senegal from Mexico City on Christmas Day to spend a month in Dakar. I hadn’t originally planned anything for the week between Christmas and New Years (I had the week off) and then decided last minute to book a tour.

I had thought to do things piecemeal—a weekend here and a weekend there—but decided it would be best to see as much as I could while I had the time. It proved to be the right decision as it ended up leaving me time to visit The Ghana later in the month.

December 24, 2023 - January 1, 2024.

A day in Dakar and a trip to Gorée Island.

When I head down at 08:55 Amadou is already waiting for me. I see him on the corner and he runs towards me as I walk towards him. The van is this way he tells me pointing behind me. I follow him to the car. 

Dakar, the “Pink” Lake Retba, and the Senegalese coast.

I’m the first one in the lobby. The attendant asks me to pay the bill. I tell him my guide will when he arrives. He nods and I sit and wait.

Djoudj Bird Sanctuary, Saint Louis, and the Lompoul desert.

I am the first one at breakfast. It’s a solemn affair. Breakfast is laid out, plates covered with plastic, juices, hot water and coffee.

Touba and the Saloum delta.

Funny thing about sleeping in the desert—you can always hear the neighbors snore.

Mar Lodj and the Saloum delta.

After breakfast Amadou leads us out from the hotel to the street. A horsedrawn cart is waiting for us, its driver holds the horses’s bridle.

The Saloum delta, Shell Island, and New Year’s Eve in Saly.

I wake up to watch the sun rise from the dock. Nearby, locals exercise on the beach, bathe their horses in the water.

A visit to the Bandia Reserve and the road back to Dakar.

It’s the last day of our trip and the Italians have a flight booked home. Unfortunately it’s been delayed and their original early afternoon departure has been pushed to late in the evening.

A saturday afternoon on L'île de Ngor.

It’s my last Saturday in Dakar and I decide to make the trip to L’île de Ngor, a small island off the northwest coast of the city. It’s the last tourist destination I have on my list, and it’s a beautiful day for a boat trip.

Coda 2.
The western-most edge of Afro Eurasia.

It’s my last full day in Senegal this trip and I decide to take myself out to lunch in Alamedes. There’s a restaurant I’ve been meaning to try; they have thiéboudiène on the menu, which will be a perfect culinary send-off.