Zanzibar, Chapter two
A day in Stone Town.
In the morning, I loved looking out the windows of my room down to the alleys below to see the comings and goings. It was never that busy; the main thoroughfare was around the corner, but I enjoyed what life I could see.
Breakfast was included and each morning it would be brought to me and set up on a side table. I would leisurely unpack it and take it at a smaller table with a view to the outside. As I ate my meal and sipped my tea, I imagined what it might have been to have lived in this house all those years ago.

I walked without much intention. I hadn’t spent a lot of time planning out my time in Zanzibar and was happy to see where my legs may take me. I eventually found myself in Christ Church, one of the most prominent examples of early Christian architecture in East Africa.

From there it was back to the streets. I did what I could to get lost, finding myself in markets and by the ocean, and seemingly always in and around Jaws Corner.

In the end, I was like the blind man who always finds himself back at the lamppost. I couldn’t get lost enough and enjoyed finding my way back to the same squares while exploring the various streets and allies that would wind my way back to them.
In the afternoon I took a break and found a rooftop coffee shop. From my vantage point I could see the roofs around me. A breeze cooled me as I sat in the shade and wrote post cards, sharing bits of myself and my experience to friends around the world. 🇹🇿